Ballarat Regional Beekeepers Inc. was formed in 2015. We meet on the first Thursday of each month (except for January), to share our interest in, and knowledge about beekeeping. Our meetings are at the Djila-tjarriu Community Hub, 18 Donegal Drive, Alfredton 3350.
Ballarat Regional Beekeepers Inc. members range in age from 10 years up to 75 years. Beekeeping is for people of all ages!
Some of our members are 'professional' beekeepers, whereas most of us are amateur 'backyard' beekeepers.
We are also working collaboratively with schools in our region, and aim to establish project hives in schools, as happens overseas in UK and USA.
The focus of the group is to support each other in beekeeping, and to provide education and 'hands on' learning opportunities at the actual hives.
A summary of our aims and purpose is shown below:
- To promote and advance the craft of beekeeping;
- To provide public education in the importance of bees in the environment;
- To provide educational opportunities for members to further their understanding of all aspects of beekeeping;
- To promote cooperation, information sharing and mentoring of new members;
- To promote the interests of beekeepers for community benefit of all;
- To support the development of ecological policies and programs which improve conditions for bees and honey production; and
- To provide a communication mechanism for government or council officers in regards to local bee issues, including swarm management and biosecurity
Beekeeping is crucial for our food supply, and with many environmental threats and climate change creating challenges for bee populations, we are doing what we do to sustain these vital and beautiful creatures.
…and did I mention how good the honey tastes, when it has come from your own beehive? Our members are also creators of beeswax products.
If you are interested in becoming involved with Ballarat Regional Beekeepers Inc., please get in contact with us via email or right here!
A Club Newsletter issued on a monthly basis and Facebook are great ways to keep up-to-date.
…and to those already involved….
Happy Beekeeping!