Ballarat Regional Beekeepers Incorporated (BRB) has members who offer goods and services related to beekeeping (vendors). BRB also receives enquiries from the general public wanting a recommendation about beekeeping products and services. BRB also receives notifications from non-members offering goods and services. The BRB Vendor Policy outlines how the club manages this situation for the best benefit for the members.
BRB receives enquiries from people wanting to purchase beekeeping products and services. BRB has members who supply goods and services for a fee (vendors).
BRB will maintain a list of vendor members who supply goods and services as a referral for inquiries. This list will be published on the website and a link provided in the newsletter. This service is free for financial members.
Major beekeeping suppliers can also apply to be listed, but at a cost determined by the committee. The committee reserves the right to refuse to list any supplier.
Names, contact details and types of goods or services offered will be published. Prices will not be published.
BRB social media will not be used to advertise goods and services except where expressly determined by the committee of the club.
Vendors will not be permitted to advertise their services through BRB if they are in competition with BRB services (such as the Beginners Beekeeping Course or Open Hive opportunities).
Non-member vendors may be permitted to trade in goods and services at the invitation of the BRB committee. For example, a visiting speaker selling books or software. The BRB committee may also promote goods and services from non-member vendors if it benefits the club members.
BRB expects its vendor members to comply with the requirements for the provision of goods and services by government or regulatory authorities. It is to be made clear that while BRB may refer people to a vendor, it is not BRB’s responsibility to ensure a vendor’s compliance is in place.
Likewise, the responsibility for the quality of the product or service, and the fairness of any commercial or other transaction rests entirely with the vendor. Ballarat Regional Beekeepers Inc is in no way a party to any transactional complaint or responsible for the quality of any goods or services. Any complaint in relation to such transactions, if unresolved between buyer and seller privately, should be directed to the relevant government or regulatory body.
BRB will endeavour to assist vendor members to understand the requirements of compliance. For example, if selling honey, how to comply with all relevant Australian packaging, labeling, insurance and taxation regulations and requirements, in order to minimise risk of litigation. BRB will do this through articles in newsletters or presentations at club meetings.
Purchase of hives with bees and used beekeeping equipment.
BRB endorses the following guidelines from Agriculture Victoria:
Occasionally used beehives and beekeeping equipment are advertised for sale or gifted. There is a risk that the bee colonies and previously used beekeeping material may have come from a diseased apiary. To avoid buying diseased bees and material, ask the seller for a vendor's declaration. This written declaration will provide the buyer with important information about the health of the bees and/or material being offered for sale. Blank vendor declaration forms are available from the department's apiary officers.